Sexual Harassment In The Workplace First things first. I’m secretly celebrating a small victory for sexual harassment victims in Malaysia. Like rape culture, sexual harassment is not really . . .
Bibliophilia: the reading list for book lovers Bibliophilia is a weekly post of recommended reading for law students and lawyers. The list will comprise both fiction and non-fiction books . . .
A Short Overview of Domestic Abuse Law & Interim Protection Orders in Malaysia WHAT IS DOMESTIC ABUSE/VIOLENCE? Under the Domestic Violence Act 1994, domestic violence is considered as: Willfully or knowingly . . .
Bibliophilia: the reading list for book lovers Bibliophilia is a weekly post of recommended reading for law students and lawyers. The list will comprise both fiction and non-fiction books . . .
Bibliophilia: the reading list for book lovers. This week, it’s all about legal books and the law but it’s not all dry learning. Bibliophilia is a weekly post of recommended . . .
Bibliophilia: the reading list for book lovers. This week, we’re focused on genre variety from absurd humor to anthropology, we hope there’s something in here for you. Bibliophilia is . . .
Introducing Bibliophilia: a recommended reading list for book lovers. Bibliophilia is a weekly post of recommended reading for law students and lawyers. The list will comprise both fiction . . .
Unlicensed Drivers Caught Driving Face Harsher Penalties According to The Sun and News Straights Times Online, drivers who are caught driving without a license will be immediately taken . . .
Bridging The Gap Between Start Ups And Law Recently, BurgieLaw held a Fireside Chat event for start ups at the Malaysian Global Innovation & Creativity Centre (MaGIC) on Monday . . .
We’ve been featured in Oriental Daily News, both in print and online! A big thank you to Lim Pei Xuan for the interview and write up.