MCO SERIES: Property management services can be carried out during MCO period – Further Guidelines Provided

We have previously written about whether property management service is to be taken as “essential service”.

Before 4.4.2020General Circular

On 21.3.2020, KPKT has issued a general circular to the public providing guidelines to the JMB / MC. This general circular was widely used by the personnel of property management services justifying the need to continue providing services during the MCO period (and extended MCO period) especially when going through a road block, convincing the police officers in between.

2 days ago, a memorandum was submitted to the Minister of KPKT to include property management service within the “essential service” group as reported in The Edge.

After 4.4.2020

On 4.4.2020, the Senior Minister, Datuk Seri Ismail Sabri Yaakob officially announced that property management services shall be allowed throughout the MCO period.

Today, 6.4.2020, KPKT issued a letter to the Police at Bukit Aman and inform them that property management services will be allowed to be carried out, not exceeding 2 persons, at any one time during the MCO.

This letter is extremely important for JMB/MC and property management companies since it also provides further guidelines which include (we have taken the liberty to translate it from Malay to English):

(i) JMB/MC/property management company is required to issue letter of verification to all employees within the strata scheme;

(ii) operation hours are limited to 8am to 5pm ONLY;

(iii) the number of employees of a JMB / MC or property manager shall not exceed 2 persons at any one time during operation hours;

(iv) JMB/MC/property management company shall carry out all active steps to prevent the spread of Covid-19 in ensuring the safety of all employees;

(v) employee / building manager shall practise social distancing of not less than 1 meter from one to another and further carry out steps to avoid the spread, control and sanitisation in light of Covid-19;

(vi) JMB/MC/property management company shall take all necessary steps to curb the spread of Covid-19 in ensuring the safety and health of employees, service providers, residents and all other parties within the stratified scheme in line with the directions issued by the Government, from time to time.

The letter may also be useful to be reproduced together with a verification letter issued by the JMB / MC / property management company when passing through a road block when discharging essential services.

Lai Chee Hoe Profile Photo
Partner at Chee Hoe & Associates. With 10+ years of experience under his belt, he specializes in civil and corporate litigation. He is also the current Chairperson of various Joint Management Bodies.
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