KPKT has issued a new set of SOP to deal with management and maintenance issues within a strata development area.
It can be downloaded below:
*A revised SOP was issued on 13.7.2021 and can be downloaded below: (Updates will be made below in “italicized fonts“
Operational SOPs
- Covid-19 Preventive Measures
- (Management body) is to take temperature of each workers, and visitors at the entrance of each strata scheme before entry (temperature above 37.5 degree Celsius or above or those who show symptoms of Covid-19 like sore throat, cough, flu or difficulty in breathing are not allowed to enter);
- Register by scanning the QR code through the MySejahtera app or record the name, telephone number, date and time upon arrival at the premises in the record book if there is no internet connection is mandatory for purposes of contact tracing;
- Always practise physical social distancing between 1 meter between individuals;
- Wash hands with soap and water or use hand sanitizer;
- Putting on face mask is mandatory at common area;
- Disinfect surface areas which are easily contaminated.
2. Post / Courier / Delivery –
- To deliver to the designated area determined by the JMB / MC / Property Manager;
- to practise contactless delivery to reduce risk of infection;
- Must adhere to the visitor management procedures
*Updated SOP as revised on 13.7.2021
- Delivery of post/orders/goods are allowed to the to the designated area determined by the JMB / MC / Property Manager like to the intended area, specific address and other locations;
- Must adopt contactless delivery to reduce the risk of infection;
- Must adhere to the visitors’ management procedures.
3. Defects Management and Maintenance –
- All critical repair and maintenance works in respect of common property are allowed subject to the approval of the management body;
- All repair and maintenance works which involve essential services within a unit / parcel are allowed subject to the approval of the management body;
- All critical repair and maintenance works are subject to the latest SOP issued by Ministry of Works (Kementerian Kerja Raya)
4. Renovation Matters –
- Renovation work is not allowed;
5. Moving in and Out –
- Moving matters within a stratafied scheme are not allowed
6. Management Office operations –
- Management Office operated by property manager in carrying out important matters (essential services) are to be kept to the minimal (maximum of 2 persons) and render services through the mode one deems fit (transaction through online is encouraged). Management Office is to closed to the public. Operational hours is limited to 4 hours.
- Management and maintenance capacity of a stratafied scheme involving management office and operational employees (like security guards, cleaners and technical personnel) are to be capped at 60% (of the workforce) and further subject to latest MKN’s directives;
*Updated SOP as revised on 13.7.2021
- Management Office operated by property manager in carrying out important matters (essential services) are to be kept to the minimal (maximum of 2 persons) and render services through the mode one deems fit (transaction through online is encouraged). Management Office is to closed to the public. Operational hours is limited to 4 hours;
- Management and maintenance capacity of a stratified scheme involving management office and operational employees are to be capped at 60% (of the workforce) and further subject to latest MKN’s directives;
- Operations of essential services which involve security and cleaning services are allowed to operate at the maximum capacity based on the SOP of Industry of Control of Private Safety issued by the Ministry of Home Affairs (KDN) or subject to the stamped contract.
7. Visitors’ management –
- All visitors are not allowed to enter into the strata scheme except those who were granted permission or special leave to enter by the management body and police (PDRM);
- Visitors who were granted access are required to adhere to the Covid-19 preventive measures at the security post or any other areas as determined and further to provide information to the management body for purposes of contact tracing;
- Movement of the visitor is limited to the extent to those permissible area in tandem with the original purpose during registration.
8. Service Providers’ Management –
- Only service providers involved in critical maintenance and repair works are allowed to enter into a strata scheme;
- All employees of service providers are required to adhere to the Covid-19 preventive steps at the security post or any other areas determined and further to provide information to the management body for purposes of contact tracing;
- A proprietor / service provider is required to obtain written approval from the management body for purposes of rendering important services to the common property;
- Movement of the service provider is limited to the extent of those permissible area submitted during registration and further subject to the visitors’ management procedure
9. Contractors’ management –
- All contractors / vendors / employees are allowed to enter into a strata scheme to undertake critical maintenance / management / repair works. Movement of the contractors / vendors / employees are limited to the area involved
- All contractors / vendors / employees are required to provide details to the management body for purposes of contact tracing before entering into the strata scheme. Contractors / Vendors / employees who are Malaysian national must furnish his ID whereas contractors / vendors / employees who are not Malaysian nationals must furnish their passports or valid work permits with their latest telephone numbers. Contractors / Vendors / employees are required to adhere to the SOP for Construction Sector issued by Ministry of Works.
- All contractors / vendors / employees are to adhere to the Covid-19 preventive steps at the security post or other areas as determined.
- All contractors / vendors / employees are required to carry out its services according to the schedule fixed by the management body.
10. Occupants’ management –
- Occupants are NOT allowed to move within the strata scheme and must be confined within the respective parcel. For purchasing daily necessities, only 1 representative is allowed to leave the parcel whereas for purposes of obtaining treatment / vaccination, 2 persons are allowed (inclusive of the patient) to leave the parcel;
- All form of religious, sports and recreation and other activities will be subject to the general SOP issued by MKN or Ministry of Health;
- All form of public/official and social events are not allowed;
- All form of face-to-face seminars / workshops / conventions / exhibitions are not allowed.
11. Common Property –
- Operations of all sports and recreational facilities are not allowed and any form of exception will subject to the permissible activities set out in and allowed in the general SOP for sports (downloadable below) and recreation sector under the Ministry of Youth and Sports and Ministry of Health.
12. Meetings of Committee members –
- Face to face meeting is not allowed but meeting through virtual platform is allowed.
13. Annual General Meeting / Extraordinary General Meeting
- AGM / EGM is not allowed.
Unlike the previous SOPs where it expressly allows online AGM/EGM be convened, this set of SOP appears to have removed that option and the procedures relating to an online AGM/EGM. After getting confirmation from KPKT, it is confirmed that online AGM / EGM is similarly not permissible since the organiser (of the online AGM / EGM) and committee members are still required to be physically present at the broadcasting venue.