KPKT has prepared a chart setting out the SOP. The Chart is downloadable below:

The SOP sets out obligations of the property manager and pool users.
A. Obligations of the Property Manager
- Prepare a QR code through the MySejahtera App for purposes of registering and recording pool users;
- Take body temperature before use;
- Discourage senior citezens and children below 12 from using;
- Maintain the pool within a fixed schedule;
- Fix the number of person for use depending on pool size whilst ensuring a social distance of 3 metre;
- Use of pool per session is 1-2 hours;
- Ensure user to adhere to the guideline / SOP;
- Conduct chlorine test every 2 hours;
- Disinfect the pool equipment before and after use;
- Prepare soap for users;
- Ensure security guard be present;
- Priority be given to purchaser, parcel owner, occupant within the strata scheme.
B. Responsibilities of Users
- Make a booking for use of pool;
- Register in the MySejahtera app;
- Refrain from using if body temperature is more than 37.5 c or have symptoms like fever, cough, cold, sore throat and difficulty in breathing;
- Face mask is encouraged before and after activity;
- Adhere to the social distancing of 3 metre (in the pool) and 1 metre (outside the pool);
- Clean yourself with water and soap before and after use;
- Disinfect equipment before and after use;
- Use of goggle is encouraged;
- Not to share equipment;
- Not to spit and greet / have physical contact and reduce social interaction
- Use of bathroom / changing room be reduced to the minimum;
- Leave the pool immediately after use