The movement restriction order comes at a heavy price to the economic sectors. The legal industry is not spared. In a recent Bar Council Survey Result, it paints a grim picture and the data released were dissected and analysed by a fellow lawyer through his blog.
In the course of these difficult times, we have been receiving information on law firms which have introduced pay cuts or other methods to deal with the tight cash-flow. Having pay-cut is almost a norm since there is no in-flow of fees and the reserves of a sole proprietor or partnership are limited. Proceeding to have a pay-cut may be a necessary evil for purposes to re-organising the business and bring the law firm back on track.
With the objective of collating more information and assess how badly the legal industry fares, we decide to release the information furnished to us by fellow lawyers.
This is a public data gathering exercise and information given to us must be within your knowledge and not hearsay. This exercise can only serve its main objective if information given to us is TRUE! Please make sure you furnish us with accurate information!
Write to us at [email protected] if you are:
(a) a lawyer / legal firm who wishes to furnish us with information on pay cut;
(b) a lawyer / legal firm who wishes to rectify the information listed
The list can be downloaded below and will be updated constantly:
Update 1 – (6:55pm, 6.6.2020) we have received a phone call from a partner from Shook Lin & Bok and clarified that there was no pay cut implemented and requested its name be removed from the list. We have complied with it.
Updates 2 – (7.6.2020 @ 9:23am) we have received a revision to the firm Lavinia Dell Akbar & Tee and added 2 other firms.
Updates 3 – (7.6.2020 @ 1.30pm) we have received a revision from Tan Norizan & Associates.
Updates 4 – (7.6.2020 @ 2.10pm) we have received a revision for Lavinia, Dell Akbar, Tee & Partners.
Updates 5 – (7.6.2020 @ 2.40pm) updates for Tan Norizan & Associates.
Updates 6 – (8.6.2020 @ 5.00pm) added Lim Soh & Goonting and Edlin Ghazaly & Associates.
Updates 7 – (8.6.2020 @ 6.30pm) updated for Jeff Leong Poon & Wong.
Updates 8 – (9.6.2020 @ 11am) removed entry for Lavinia, Dell Akbar, Tee & Partners.
Updates 9 – (12.6.2020 @ 12.40pm) removed entry for Edlin Ghazaly & Associates.