In the immediate previous post, we highlighted several FAQs prepared by KPKT on 9.5.2020 which may no longer correspond to the further relaxed rules provided in the extended CMCO. This is especially so if one compares the 9.5.2020 guidelines to the gazetted Regulation (No. 6).
We have on today (18.5.2020) received a revised KPKT Guideline dated 18.5.2020 but we are informed that it can only be published after obtaining approval from MKN. KPKT must be given credit again in making the necessary revision in such a short period of time to reflect the more relaxed rules.
With the objective in disseminating the revised guidelines to all, especially to the Developer / JMB / MC / Property Manager, we set out the major differences provided in the Guideline issued on 18.5.2020:
- Renovation is now allowed in all stratified scheme and no longer confined to commercial and landed strata. It now also allows renovation works be carried out in a high rise building regardless the type of strata scheme;
- Renovation works ought to be carried out during the specific hours: Retail – 10pm to 9am Monday to Sunday including public holidays, Office – 6pm to 9am Monday to Sunday including public holidays, Residential – 8am to 5pm Monday to Friday except public holidays and any works which generate loud noise like drilling works can only be carried out from 9am to 1pm. (the renovation hours are mere guidelines and will be subjected to the existing by-laws or additional by-laws of the respective strata scheme)
- Visitors are now allowed to enter into a residential strata scheme if they fall within any of the categories which now includes contractors / vendors / employees / service providers / customers or any companies / bodies / individuals which have dealings with the management or parcel owner for purposes which are approved by the management body and during festivities (as provided in the gazette).
- Moving in and moving out activities are now allowed subject to the approval of the management.
For clarity and to ease the Developer / JMB / MC / property manager to carry out their statutory duties, we will post up the actual 18.5.2020 Guideline upon obtaining approval. Meanwhile, do take note the major changes made above, and if in doubt, you can always check with the Commissioner of Buildings within your local authority.