Bibliophilia: the reading list for book lovers
Bibliophilia is a weekly post of recommended reading for law students and lawyers. The list will comprise both fiction and non-fiction books with as much variety as possible. We’re also happy to take reader submissions from you so get reading!

Title: The Curmudgeon’s Guide To Practicing Law
Author: Mark Herrmann
Genre: Non-Fiction, Reference, Law
This collection of essays written by The Curmudgeon, offers practical, honest and you need to know this advice for surviving and thriving in a law firm. The book covers the basics of law practice and law firm etiquette, from doing effective research and writing to dressing for success, dealing with staff and clients and building a law practice. Concise, humorous and full of valuable (albeit curmudgeonly) insight, this is a must-read for every newly minted law school graduate or new lawyer. [source]

Title: Memoirs Of A Radical Lawyer
Author: Michael Mansfield
Genre: Non-Fiction, Memoir, Law
A radical lawyer with an unparalleled commitment to his clients, driven by anger at injustice and hypocrisy, intelligent, handsome and dynamic, Michael Mansfield has been tearing down the citadels of arcane legal conventions for more than forty years. Unafraid of rejection or failure, Michael has taken on the most difficult and challenging cases of our times and despite the odds, won plenty. In Memoirs of a Radical Lawyer Michael dissects many of them, revealing his motivations, meticulous approach to forensic science, cross examination techniques, the political dimensions and emotional reactions with clarity, subtlety and charm….Cases range from the Angry Brigade, the Bradford 12, the Birmingham Six, the Bloody Sunday Inquiry, Angela Cannings, Jill Dando, Ruth Ellis, Dodi Fayed, the ‘Fertilizer’ conspiracy, Iraqi hi-jackers,…Memoirs of a Radical Lawyer also unveils with honesty and wit a man who has put as much passion and energy into his life as his work, one of the great personalities of our time. [source]

Title: The End Of Lawyers?
Author: Richard Susskind
Genre: Non-Fiction, Analysis, Lawyers
This widely acclaimed legal bestseller has provoked a tidal wave of debate within the legal profession, being hailed as an inspiration by some and as heresy by others. Susskind lays down a challenge to all lawyers, and indeed all those in a professional service environment. He urges them to ask themselves, with their hands on their hearts, what elements of their current workload could be undertaken differently – more quickly, cheaply, efficiently, or to a higher quality – using alternative methods of working. The challenge for legal readers is to identify their distinctive skills and talents, the capabilities that they possess that cannot, crudely, be replaced by advanced systems or by less costly workers supported by technology or standard processes, or by lay people armed with online self-help tools…. [source]

Title: I Remember Atticus: Inspiring Stories Every Trial Lawyer Should Know
Author: Jim M. Perdue
Genre: Fiction, Anthology
The stories in I Remember Atticus: Inspiring Stories Every Trial Lawyer Should Know range from ancient to contemporary, exploring the origins of our modern civil justice system and revealing its deep spiritual and philosophical roots….In this entertaining and instructive book, we learn of a prophet who divines a rule of legal procedure so fundamental today that many lawyers do not know its ancient origins. We see a single brave juror more than three centuries ago lead his fellows to defy the authorities and go to jail rather than deliver a false verdict….These and other stories help us appreciate the unique role of the citizen jury in our democracy….I Remember Atticus is more than a collection of inspiring stories. It is also an indispensable resource for the trial lawyer seeking more effective persuasion techniques. Perdue gives generously of his wealth of trial experience to show how novices and veterans alike may use our core values for practical advocacy. And he does so in a way that entertains, informs, and inspires. [source]

Title: All The Missing Souls – A Personal History Of The War Crimes Tribunals
Author: David Scheffer
Genre: Non-Fiction, History, International Law, War Crimes,
Within days of Madeleine Albright’s confirmation as U.S. ambassador to the United Nations in 1993, she instructed David Scheffer to spearhead the historic mission to create a war crimes tribunal for the former Yugoslavia. As senior adviser to Albright and then as President Clinton’s ambassador-at-large for war crimes issues, Scheffer was at the forefront of the efforts that led to criminal tribunals for the Balkans, Rwanda, Sierra Leone, and Cambodia, and that resulted in the creation of the permanent International Criminal Court….gripping insider’s account of the international gamble to prosecute those responsible for genocide, war crimes, and crimes against humanity, and to redress some of the bloodiest human rights atrocities in our time….A stirring personal account of an important historical chapter,All the Missing Souls provides new insights into the continuing struggle for international justice. [source]

Title: Lean In – Women, Work And The Will To Lead
Author: Sheryl Sandberg
Genre: Non-Fiction, Business, Feminism, Leadership
In response to Sheryl’s 2010 TEDTalk on the ways women are held back—and the way we hold ourselves back—viewers around the world shared their own stories of struggle and success. This overwhelming response inspired Sheryl to write this book. In Lean In, she shares her personal stories, uses research to shine a light on gender differences, and offers practical advice to help women achieve their goals. The book challenges us to change the conversation from what women can’t do to what we can do, and serves as a rallying cry for us to work together to create a more equal world. [source]

Title: Rebels At The Bar – The Fascinating, Forgotten Stories of America’s First Women Lawyers
Author: Jill Norgren
Genre: Non-Fiction, Biography, Feminism, Lawyers
…prize-winning legal historian Jill Norgren recounts the life stories of a small group of nineteenth century women who were among the first female attorneys in the United States. Beginning in the late 1860s, these determined rebels pursued the radical ambition of entering the then all-male profession of law. They were motivated by a love of learning. They believed in fair play and equal opportunity. They desired recognition as professionals and the ability to earn a good living….Their story is one of nerve, frustration, and courage. This first generation practiced civil and criminal law, solo and in partnership. The women wrote extensively and lobbied on the major issues of the day, but the professional opportunities open to them had limits….Rebels at the Bar expands our understanding of both women’s rights and the history of the legal profession in the nineteenth century…. [source]